Return Policy

You can decide to return any product purchased on NonSoloBudino within 14 days from the day of delivery:
Here's how it works:

  • send and email with the return request to, specifying the order number and the products you wish to return
  • you will be contacted by our Customer Service within 48 business hours to arrange the return.

Fees and return costs are shall be borne by the NonSoloBudino users.

Before returning a product make sure that:

  1. the product is in the same condition as you received it
  2. the product has not been used, not even partially
  3. no more than 14 days have passed after the delivery
  4. the package used for the shipping guarantees the integrity of the product

If your return does not comply with the above mentioned conditions, the parcel will be sent back and the refund will not be made.

Registered users can check the return status in their Reserved Area.

For orders with invoices, it is possible to request a return within 2 days from the day of delivery and only for damaged products or products that do not correspond to the order.

Programma Foodelity

Sei iscritto al programma Foodelity?

Con il programma fedeltà di NonSoloBudino per ogni 1€ speso ottieni 10 punti. Accumula i punti per ottenere buoni immediati sulla tua spesa.

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